Why Your Business Needs to Shred

Shredding is not just a good idea to limit your company’s liability but it’s also the law.  Keeping customer, employee and corporate information safe and secure helps keep your reputation the same.  Document shredding is more than just disposing of everyday documents.  It is an invaluable service that deals with the secure destruction of sensitive, confidential and proprietary information your business has generated and gathered.  Information that falls into the hands of unintended recipients not only can cause long-term harm to the business but can also result in damaging lawsuits from employees, customers or vendors.

Identity theft is a serious and growing crime.  Each year, there are more than 10 million victims resulting in over $50 Billion in costs.  Several laws, such as FACTA, HIPAA, FCRA and Sarbanes-Oxley cover virtually every business in America.  FACTA requires destroying ALL consumer/employee information prior to disposal before it is discarded.  Recycling is not enough.  With our secure shredding services, you can rest assured that your clients’ and company’s information is legally and safely handled protecting both your reputation and your bottom line. For a more complete listing and explanation of the laws and regulations, click here.

By using a service like ours, you’re likely to save 20% or more compared to the cost of doing it yourself.  We save you time, our shredders are state-of-the-art and shred to the finest size possible and we also save you office space that could be better used otherwise.  When we collect the materials you want destroyed, we provide a Certificate of Destruction and your chain of custody is secure.  Make it easy on your employees to do the right thing every time. Don’t be the company on the evening news suffering from a data breach. Be proactive and prepared!

Recent Additions

  • Portland and Seattle
  • Feb 2nd community event to shred at our offices at 7th and WA St parking lot 10-noon

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